Friday, July 6, 2012

OH MY GAH the Strollers, How Could I forget Strollers

The biggest cumulative purchase you will make when you're in your baby-making stage of your life is travel gear. Car seats, booster seats, play pens and wickedly expensive strollers. This is what we've purchased to date and an approximation of the cost:
  • Chicco 30 something or other car seat with 2 bases   189.99 + 84.99
  • Chicco Stroller for said car seat                                  179.99
  • Convertable car seat cause the kid's too damn tall      179.99
  • Maxi Cosi stroller for travel                                        179.99
  • Joovy Ergo Caboose (double) plus seat covers           399.99 + 49.99             
  • 2nd Convertible car seat                                              229.99
  • Side by Side Jogging Stroller                                      229.99
  • Umbrella Stroller                                                           14.99
  • Graco 35 something or other car seat                          159.99
  • Booster Seat                                                                   18.99
  • Bugaboo Donkey Duo (triple)                                    1109.99
  •      with extra seat                                                          244.99
  •      with Graco Car Seat Adapter                                     44.99
  •      with wheelie board                                                     99.99 + 14.99 for the adapter
  •      and of course the seat covers and canopies                89.99
  •      rain covers                                                          Holy Shit they're free. (included)
  • I would still like to have the snack tray                          39.99
  • and cup holder                                                                 24.99
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I don't even want to add that up. Plus, if we fly anywhere, I'm going to need the travel bag because the whole damn thing comes apart. Speaking of flying anywhere... 3 car seats, the triple rolls royce of strollers, infant carrier and a lot of luggage. There is a serious lack of product for the demand of 3 kid strollers. Unless they're triplets. It's sick.
Now to play yards:
  • Pack & play        179.99 this one is so used I'm going to have to buy a new one for sleep safety
  • Joovy 10' x 10'    149.99 I have a 3 story home, this is just practical. It lives in the basement.
Don't forget the baby slings:
  • Baby Bjorn                                                159.99 Great when you're not surgery bound
  • Hippy sling (GREAT on an airplane)         39.99                         
  • Why can't I carry my baby this way sling  24.99 waste of money. can re purpose fabric
  • Moby Wrap                                                 44.99 wore it once
  • ERGO Carr                                                179.99  we shall see.
Always striving to find the best and most convenient equipment. Just shell out the money the first time around and KEEP EVERYTHING until you are 100% sure you're done having babies. This crap is expensive. I could have bought so much with what I've spent. Not to mention the extra crib, wait, cribs, bed rails that were too small. sheet sets I never used, those damn blankies that were too cute to walk by and the clothes. OH MY GOD THE CLOTHES. I have girl clothes coming out the yin-yang. Get the basics, add on from there. Walk into Gymboree at your own peril. The second I walk in that place, I'm their bitch and they know it. Though I do buy all their special clothes there. Now that #3 is on the way, I have a hard time shelling out $5 for anything. And $15.00 for shoes? for heaven's sake. They only wear them for a month or two and generally, they will only wear their favorite pair every single day. For the love of childhood independence, just let them pick out their clothes when you're shopping cause if they don't like it, they ain't wearin' it.
Side note** I'm living in the Midwest and we had a heat index of 104 at 9:00 this morning. I'm from the South, where we're equipped with industrial sized air conditioners. I'm going to go lay in some ice water and update y'all on the new meds later. Until then, ick.....

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