Tuesday, July 31, 2012

To Hell With Sleep Training... Maybe

I'm just gonna' buy the biggest baddest king sized bed I can find. We've had guests in for several days so it's obviously been horrible for sleep for the girls. Last night a thunderstorm rolled in around 3:15am and lasted until 4:30ish. Monkey #2 has been up since the first rumble. She napped for about 45 min on my shoulder through breakfast, something she's never done, and is now all discombobulated. So... to hell with it, one more night in Mommy's bed. I'll try to move her later. I got ZERO sleep last night. Monkey#3 is laying transverse across my belly trying to turn I hope. Holy hell is that so not comfortable. Went to nut pill lady today and was happy to hear her shoot down the crap studies I read on the net about Lexapro. So now I start to wean myself off klonopin. The horror. It really is a lot of mind over matter in this case. Just something you HAVE to do. Deal with the panic to bring your baby into this world happy, healthy and able to breastfeed. A little scared but I've been through worse. Goodnight. May you all have your beds to yourselves and may I be able to transfer my girls to theirs without awakening them.

1 comment:

  1. On a positive note, your comforter looks mighty cozy : )
