Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Damn Cheesecake. Weight Loss After Pregnancy

When I delivered Monkey #1, I wighed 223lbs. The most I had ever weighed was 165ish, my lowest was 128lbs. Weight has always been an issue for me and I tend to fluctuate 10-15lbs year to year. I had finally found my stride and was settled at a very healthy 138lbs with an athlete's body fat percentage. When I got pregnant the first time, I gained weight quickly. You're just always so damn hungry. After we lost the baby I worked tirelessly to get back into shape and wouldn't you know it, I weighed 153lbs when I found out I was pregnant with Monkey #1. And I couldn't give two flips about what I ate, so I was huge. My waist was a whopping 50" around the week I gave birth. I couldn't fit into the booth at Waffle House, that was my 'oh shit' moment. I dropped thirty pounds in the first two weeks, all water weight. Then I really amped it up. I did zumba at least 4 times a week. I had quit smoking the day I first found out I was pregnant, I did some very strenuous weight workouts and nine months after Monkey #1 was born, I was back to 153lbs. I went to WalMart one day after Zumba class and seemed to have a really hard time recovering, I blamed the heat. I bent down to grab something from a bottom shelf and I almost fainted. Well, that was wierd. That night I made one of my favorite meals and felt totally sick afterwards, nauseated. Mind you, I had zero expectation that I'd get pregnant again. I woke up the next morning and couldn't drink my coffee. I was really nauseous. I had recalled a skype conversation with my sister the previous month when she asked me if I was pregnant because she had a feeling. I found out the next day I wasn't but really wasn't keeping track of things. So my husband's getting ready for work and I'm frantically searching for this conversation to find the date. It had been six weeks previous. SIX WEEKS! Oh crap. Hubby comes downstairs, gives us a kiss and I say, "I think I'm pregnant." "What?? You say this as I walk out the door." Me, "Yeah, I'll call you after work." He left, stunned. I hauled it to Walgreens before work and that stick turned blue before I even opened the package. I was pregnant. Again. Oh my Gah. Monkey #1 is only nine months old. They're gonna be seventeen months apart. We were stunned to say the least. I had no doubt this was a viable pregnancy. My symptoms were way worse but I was determined to not hit 200lbs. I hit 199. Fine, I'll deal. So next comes being pregnant with a 9 month old and all the things I never would have done had I known then what I know now.

On a closing note: I suffered 2 panic attacks today... and then we had two sweet little bunnies frolicking in the backyard with fireflies and a bright red cardinal. That was nice. Thanks God.

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