Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thunderstorms and Fireworks... Who'da Thunk the Kids Would be WorseThan the Dog

Once upon a time, I had the most wonderful German Shepherd Dog named Max. He was my puppy, my Maxi-foots and terrified of fireworks. Didn't care much for thunderstorms either and would have never made a good service or police dog cause he didn't do stairs either. He was born in January on Elvis' birthday and come July 4th, he was still just a pup. I'd say little thing but that's one thing he never was. I went outside to make sure he was okay and I didn't think a fifty pound dog could get any more burrowed into my armpit and chest than that dog was that night. Licking my face, whining, climbing on my head, sticking his head in my shirt, the whole nine. Max grew to be a 115lb bohemoth and sadly jumped the fence defending our property and never made it home. Evidently, as far as big booming noises are concerned, kids are much worse.

I kept hearing rumbles as I was getting the kids ready for bed. They were low, constant and far away. Thanks to recent cannon fire fireworks between 9:00pm and 10:00pm, the monkeys were pretty much terrified of going to bed. The police told my husband they'd received calls over the week about these heathens setting of what seriously sounds like cannon fire. I managed to get Monkey #2 asleep after much cajoling and 'it's gonna be okays', 'Mommy's right here', 'all your doggies are here to protect you', etc. So she was out by 8:15. Then came Monkey #1, who I'm still trying to get to fall asleep by herself. She's never fallen asleep without me in her bed or room. At least I've made it to the door while she falls asleep. I hope to soon be in the hallway. I leave her room as soon as she crashes and come check the weather. Oh greaaaat. Severe thunderstorm warning and I see lightning. My husband was crashed outside on the 'chaise' and we get the first major lightning and thunder crashes. I run outside, shake him awake and tell him to get in the house NOW. He falls back to sleep. I come in and Monkey #1 is sobbing on the upstairs landing wondering where the hell I am. So she comes into bed with me. Then the actual storm hits, the wind and rain and really nasty stuff. (I'm waiting to hear the back door open, which it does, hehehe) Miraculously, Monkey #2 is still asleep. My husband gets in the bed and then Monkey #2 wakes up. Queen sized bed, 2 toddlers, 1 tall man and a woman who's 6 months pregnant. SO COMFY. My husband gives up and goes down to the basement so I tend to a 2 and 3 year old trying to crawl INTO me they're so scared. Finally the storm dies down and I get everyone back in their beds and as I'm walking out of Monkey #1's room, "BOOM". Yay, another round of storms. The three of us get back in my bed and wait the storm out. At about 11:30 Iturn out the lights. It's still rumbling and lightning but Monkey #1 is beat and just can't keep those eyes open. The little one on the other hand in rolling like a rock in a rock tumbler against my back. I've slept with her once, once. She doesn't sleep with other people in a bed. By 12:37am, I'd had enough. I put her back in her bed and the second her head hit the crib sheet... done, eyes closed and bunny on the nose. So that was my night. At one point is was so windy, my blinds were being sucked toward the window. That's when Monkey #1 asked if this was a mean storm. I told her mean storms come with sirens, it was not a mean storm, just windy. I heard something slide across the patio and thought it was a little side table... woke up this morning with our metal table and unbrella smack dab in the middle of the yard. Monkey #1 stayed in bed with me and woke me up once or twice with a knee to the belly and then she had some yucky dreams. I was useless today. Though I did get Monkey #2's bedroom a little more 'done'. As in decorated. We're gettin' there.

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