Friday, June 22, 2012

Well Hell, My Day Was Shot; Why Not the Night Too

Monkey #1 managed to stay in her bed all night, almost all night, just one intervention. Monkey #2 slept way beyond her usual 5:30am to 7:00. Hmm, nice. Then Monkey #1 decided to wake up pissed at the world and unwilling to speak to or even look at anyone. This was accompanied by non-stop yelling, whining and general animal like screeching for about thirty minutes. Lovely! The day just descended from there into the lowest depths of toddler hell. A trip to Arby's, which had been begged for the day before, was unwanted. I really just wanted to go to Joann's. Monkey #2 decided to follow suit with the prehistoric screeching when encountered with anything requested by yours truly or anything to which she replies, "NO, I do it." I need to clean the kitchen, "CAWWWW". I need to make the beds, "CAAAWWWWW". Time to get dressed, "NO, I do it." You need a fresh diaper (which she's already removed and is now running in naked circles around the coffee table waiting for me to catch her but when I do... "CAWWWW").  I need to use the ladies, "CAWWW CAWWW (accompanied by clothing being pulled to keep me from going). Monkey #1 was suddenly interested in a show she abhors just as we're ready to go. Monkey #2, displeased by this development, "CAWWWWW SISSY CAWWWW". Then we're in the car, not in our seats, but in the car. Fifteen minutes later we're buckled in the car. Bicker, bicker, bicker. Monkey #2 screaming. I get to the gas station and turn around to find Miss Screechy Pants asleep, Amen. We make it to Arby's in silence and I plow into Jane Eyre as if my life depended on it as Monkey #1 eats her mac & cheese and curly fries, "Can I have Monkey #2's mac & cheese too?". "No." Said Monkey wakes up screeching. I pull over again so she can eat her mac & cheese too. Finally, we make it to Joann's. I find some of the stuff I'm looking for when Monkey #2 starts screaming, "Geeeeh Ouuuuh, caillly meee. CAWWW." We check out, I buy them chocolate and snag myself a snickers. I give them the chocolate as we walk down to Burlington to keep them entertained. We need fresh diapers. That takes another fifteen minutes and a lady actually waited to see if I was torturing my child. *sigh. I find a couple things. Monkey #1 runs away towards the toys maybe 15 times in spite of me threatening to take all her evening privileges from her (she lost two). We leave, but not without a little toy for each and a Godiva chocolate bar for me. Monkey #2?... take a wild guess. Finally we get to the car and the girls are content with their newly acquired Dora junk. The little one now has a camera that uses 35mm film. (GO MOM) I spent a lot of time in the darkroom way back when and someday, these girls will learn too. As we all head home Monkey #1 says, "Mommy, I'm just exhausted!". Join the club honey! We get home, I wanna pass out. Every time I sit on the couch, Mommy can I have? Mommy I need? Mommy will you? Somehow bedtime rolls around and guess what? My good sleeper refuses to sleep. She now must wait until Sissy's bedtime. And when she's accompanied by the three of us, she happily gets in her crib, rolls on her side and crashes. Then Monkey #1 puts all her dollies to bed making sure they have blankies, something to cuddle and an LED lantern. I lay down with her, calm her of her fears, get a big squeezy hug and she says the words that make it all worth it. "I love you Mommy." Now, I'm gonna go sit in my secret squirrel hidey attic space and eat that Godiva chocolate bar and mentally recall every cognac I've ever drunk.  Until tomorrow....

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